November 7, 2019 – Thomas Travisano

Join us on Thursday, November 7 at 7:30 p.m. in 104 Golisano Hall on the Hartwick College campus for the November meeting of MUG ONE, the Macintosh User Group of Oneonta, NY.

Award-winning author, Elizabeth Bishop Society president and former MUG ONE president Thomas Travisano will demonstrate how he is using the Mac and other Apple devices to make possible all aspects of the planning, research, outlining, writing, editing, publication, and promotion of his biography Love Unknown: The Life and Worlds of Elizabeth Bishop, published November 5th by Viking / Penguin.

As always, the meeting will begin with a question and answer session and end with a door prize drawing for current members.

Meetings are free of charge and everyone is welcome. For more information, email us at